
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Teach Yourself in 24 Hours eBooks Series All-In-One

01- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Word 2003 in 24 Hours
02- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours
03- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 in 24 Hours
04- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
05- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Access 2003 in 24 Hours
06- Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 in 24 Hours

Download: 66 MB !!
part3 ”

MPLS and Next-Generation Networks: Foundations for NGN and Enterprise Virtualization (Network Business)

Network managers often question the value that MPLS brings to their business environment. This book provides them with a precise guide for evaluating the benefits of MPLS-based applications and solutions. The book guides the network manager through the business case for MPLS by exploring other technology alternatives, including their applications, benefits, and deficiencies. Understanding the service creation process as the basis for MPLS-based solutions is pivotal when describing the benefits that MPLS offers. Furthermore, the book explores MPLS technology and its components, providing an overview of the architecture necessary to reap the true advantages that MPLS brings to a or enterprise network.These advantages include new revenue opportunities and a total cost of ownership reduction that positively impacts a company’s bottom-line. ROI models and case study examples further confirm the business impact and help decision-makers create a blueprint for MPLS service creation. Specific aspects such as security, network management, advanced services and the future of the technology complete the book, helping decision makers assess MPLS as a candidate for implementation. In short, you can use this comprehensive guide to understand and build a business case for the inclusion of MPLS in your network.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

300 Best Jobs Without a Four-year Degree

In just two steps, “300 Best Jobs without a Four-Year Degree” helps the non-college grad quickly and easily narrow their career options and learn more about jobs of interest. Step One: Readers browse a variety of “best jobs” lists. Step Two: Readers learn more about the jobs of interest by looking up their descriptions. Features more than 50 “best jobs” lists, including best pay, fastest growth, most openings, best part-time, best for self-employment, and more.

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Unleashing the Idea virus

Treat a product or service like a human or computer virus, contends online promotion specialist Seth Godin, and it just might become one. In Unleashing the Ideavirus, Godin describes ways to set any viable commercial concept loose among those who are most likely to catch it–and then stand aside as these recipients become infected and pass it on to others who might do the same. “The future belongs to marketers who establish a foundation and process where interested people can market to each other,” he writes. “Ignite consumer networks and then get out of the way and let them talk.”

Godin believes that a solid idea is the best route to success in the new century, but one “that just sits there is worthless.” Through the magic of “word of mouse,” however, the Internet offers a unique opportunity for interested individuals to transmit ideas quickly and easily to others of like mind. Taking up where his previous book Permission Marketing left off, Godin explains in great detail how ideaviruses have been launched by companies such as Napster, Blue Mountain Arts, GeoCities, and Hotmail. He also describes “sneezers” (influential people who spread them), “hives” (populations most willing to receive them), and “smoothness” (the ease with which sneezers can transmit them throughout a hive). In all, an infectious and highly recommended read. –Howard Rothman –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

From The Industry Standard

The Internet industry has been enamored of buzz-based marketing ever since venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson coined the phrase “viral marketing” in 1997 to describe Hotmail’s strategy of tagging every e-mail message with a promotion for its service. The self-replicating promotion helped the company achieve an epidemic growth rate of zero to 12 million users in a mere 18 months. Since then, viral marketing has propelled everything from Napster to The Blair Witch Project to legendary success.

Even with all the buzz about buzz, though, many Internet cobudgets into ill-conceived TV advertising (who could forget January’s orgy of dot-com expenditures on Super Bowl ads?) and other ineffective channels, like banner ads. Depending on whose numbers you use, last year online and offline companies spent $3.5 billion to $4.6 billion on Net ads. Yet, according to Nielsen NetRatings, average click-through rates for banner ads have fallen to a pitiful half a percent.

companies still pour the bulk of their marketing


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Demise of the Dollar… and Why It’s Great For Your Investments

Our long history of economic power and wealth is being eroded from within,” writes Addison Wiggin, and the result will be reduced foreign investment, slow foreign demand for U.S. goods, and unfavorable currency exchange rates. A heavy debt burden, the trade deficit, and structural imbalances have created an unstable dollar bubble, and according to Wiggin, it’s not a matter of if the bubble will burst, but when.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that hidden investment opportunities are waiting behind the weakening dollar. In The Demise of the Dollar… and Why It’s Great for Your Investments Wiggin offers advice to readers looking to capitalize on this reality; specifically, he encourages investing in precious metals, tangible resources, and some select foreign markets.

Along with investment advice, Wiggin provides a brief history of government and consumer spending habits and how they have changed over the past 200 years. In clear language, he states the reasons for the dollar’s decline, and provides explanations of the forces behind inflation, modern corporate accounting and adjustment schemes, the parallels between corporate failures and government policies, the implications of the national debt and deficit spending, and the distinctions between productive and consumptive debt. He also discusses how foreign countries, particularly China, are ultimately in control of the U.S.’s economic fate due to the staggering amount of credit they have extended.

Wiggin is highly critical of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s policies, particularly the massive shift from production to credit that he has espoused, and calls into question his efforts to manage the dollar’s value. Of course, Greenspan was not working alone–every president since Ronald Reagan has embraced his views. Written for lay readers, The Demise of the Dollar offers a practical analysis of what the “twilight of the Great Dollar Standard Era” may bring.

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Darwin, His Daughter, and Human Evolution

In a chest of drawers bequeathed by his grandmother, author Randal Keynes found the writing case of Charles Darwin’s beloved daughter Annie, who died at the age of ten. Within the box, among the typical keepsakes of a Victorian girlhood, were the notes Darwin kept throughout Annie’s illness and the eloquent and devastating eulogy he delivered at her funeral. For Keynes, a great-great grandson of Darwin, Annie’s writing case became the point of entry into the story of Darwin’s family life and its influence on the development of his revolutionary understanding of man’s place in nature.

From Publishers Weekly

In this intimate portrait of the great naturalist as devoted family man, Keynes describes how Charles Darwin’s “life and his science were all of a piece.” The great-great-grandson of the scientist, Keynes uses published documents as well as family papers and artifacts to show how Darwin’s thinking on evolution was influenced by his deep attachment to his wife and children. In particular, his anguish over his 10-year-old daughter Annie’s death sharpened his conviction that the operation of natural laws had nothing to do with divine intervention or morality. Keynes, also a descendant of economist John Maynard Keynes, shows that much of Darwin’s intellectual struggle in writing On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man arose from his efforts to understand the role of suffering and death in the natural order of the world. Early in his career, Darwin saw the indifference of natural law as an answer to the era’s religious doubts about how a benevolent god could permit human misery; cruelty and pain, he argued, should not be seen as moral issues, but as inevitable outcomes of nature. After Annie’s death, however, Darwin’s views darkened, and in a private letter he railed against the “clumsy, wasteful, blundering low and horridly cruel works of nature!” Though Keynes doesn’t break new ground about Darwin’s life and work, he produces a moving tribute to a thinker who, despite intimate acquaintance with the pain inflicted by the “war of nature,” could still marvel that, from this ruthless struggle, “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” Photos not seen by PW. (Jan.)Forecast: General readers attracted by the book’s warm, sentimental cover won’t be disappointed by Keynes’s equally accessible prose.

From Library Journal

When the great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin inherited the writing case of Darwin’s daughter Annie, who died at age ten, he discovered notes from his famous forbear that he used to reinvestigate the entire family.
Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
pass: 42^23-8#76-08@89-FDS


Converged Multimedia Networks

“This book focuses largely on enabling technologies for network
convergence. A principal aim is to show where parallel functions exist
in fixed and mobile voice network architectures and to explain how these
functions will be combined. The authors describe the components of a
future converged architecture and consider the following key aspects:
QoS Requirements, Proposed Solution Architectures, Protocol and
Interface options, Underlying Network Issues and Security issues. The
book also compares and describes initiatives from several standards
bodies working to simplify to a clean architecture and a common set of
protocols. The impact on a Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
network, the preferred method of transport for the core network, will be
considered in detail. ”


Monday, November 13, 2006

The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 4th Edition (The Java Series)

One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Java platform has been the quality of its documentation. This has included the tutorials, as well as the detailed documentation of the APIs by means of JavaDoc, and the many books published in the Java series. One could argue that the quality of the documentation resources has been every bit as important to the widespread adoption of the Java platform as the quality of the language and libraries themselves. Indeed, they are all of a piece, and each deserves recognition and credit for the qualities it manifests.

Millions of developers spend their professional lives enveloped in the ecosystem engendered by the Java platform. There are myriad standards, APIs and tools. There is so much to learn! What’s more, the amount of information you need to know keeps on growing. While this growth is something we software professionals should all be thankful for, it is an ongoing challenge for developers. I hope this tutorial will make it easier to meet this challenge and obtain competence and even mastery of the Java platform.

Whether you become a truly “competent programmer,” as Edsger Dijkstra put it many years ago, is up to you; but if you don’t, it cannot be blamed on the lack of a good Java tutorial. A number of dedicated professionals have done their best to see to that.

I hope this new edition meets and even exceeds the high standards set by its predecessors. Ultimately, it is you, the reader, who must be the judge. I expect you will not be disappointed.

Password if needed: giftfromfatherxmas


Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business

The Yahoo! Stores have grown into one of the largest online shopping destinations on the Web today. The nearly 20,000 Yahoo! Stores have a 71% reach among online consumers, the highest on the Web. Many of these stores have become so successful that they have grown from small ‘mom and pop’ or part time businesses into full time money-making ventures. A whole new set of skills and knowledge are needed to operate a Yahoo Store like a full time eCommerce business.

Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business teaches you how to customize a Yahoo! Store using the basic elements of the popular web design program Dreamweaver, including architecting an eCommerce web site. It then takes three different types of Yahoo! Stores and deconstructs them, showing you how they are formed and how they sell the products or services they offer. There is also an entire section on how to position a Yahoo! Store, acquire customers, and retain those customers. Finally, the book will show you how to set up the necessary accounting and operations systems, and how to hire the staff necessary to successfully run your business.

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Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer

Just how does advertising work? This text takes the reader into the mind of the consumer, explaining how and why advertising messages do or do not work. The authors aim to unravel the mysteries that surround the art of advertising by sharing their own commercial insights.

Review published in The Australasian Journal of Psychology

This is how the book was reviewed in TheAustralasian Journal of Psychology Vol.48 No2 1996 pp107 This is not a textbook. but an A5 size paperback. The contents are weighty and important. Yet the writing style is accessible to all, The book is in two parts: Part A - for the interested general public Part B - for advertising and marketing professionals. In Part A. Sutherland looks into the myths and mechanisms of advertising: for example, how advertising uses positively charged features for positioning, and negatively charged features to reposition opposition!

Other mechanisms include; making brands into symbols, badges of identity,communication by association’, learning .without awareness, conformity and the bandwagon effect ads as mini-dramas identifying, with a character immersion and empathy. It seems clear to me that we are dealing with a powerful technology. 1 must, therefore point out the author’s rather disingenuous remarks when he claims that most advertising agencies don’t really understand how ads work or which ads will work..

In a similar vein his disclaimer that advertisements don’t persuade anybody to do anything they merely “influence the order in which we evoke or notice the alternatives we consider.” (p. 19) Part B reviews “What Works, What Doesn’t . and Why.” And it is all solid, practical material for anybody who has the responsibility to spend an advertising dollar effectively. One should learn to ask questions like: Does advertising work in this market’? and What type of advertising’? Maximising ad effectiveness is given a full chapter. “Planning campaign strategies around consumer’s mental filing,, cabinets” merits a chapter. as does the “Measurement of advertising effects in memory.” Other topics of obvious relevance to psychological science: “positioning for cognitive consistency” and “learning to use 15-sccond TV commercials, memory activation vs. new learning.”

For readers interested strictly from the business point of view, there is competent discussion of, what happens when advertising stops. belt-tightening strategies such as ‘drip’ media usage. challenges in advertising durable goods vs. repeat purchase supermarket products. Target Audience Rating Points (TARPS): ad execution and flighting, This is all interesting and solid material, presented by a very experienced professional. Sutherland is the Director of MarketMind Technologies Pty Ltd.; Adjunct Professor of Marketing at Monash University: and a principal of Sutherland Smith Pty Ltd. one of the top ten market research companies in Australia. The concluding chapter is entitled “The Buy-ology of Mind.”

The books conclusion informs us that “when we die we will have spent an estimated 1.5 years, just watching TV commercials.”.(p.225). Sutherland has gone a long way with this volume to demystify the effects of advertising. This was his goal. But the increasing power and persuasiveness, of this applied psychological technology also should be considered from a consumer and societal point of reference. After all. the interests of Coke and British Petroleum are not necessarily incongruent with yours. mine. and the community’s. Guruneel Singh Khalsa Goodman, 3HO Foundation.

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Plants that Fight Cancer

Plants that Fight Cancer is an extensive review of plant genera and species with documented anticancer properties. The current conclusions are described, along with conventional, advanced and alternative treatments for cancer. More than 150 plant genera and species are examined, including their distribution, botany, traditional usage, active ingredients and product applications, as well as expected results and risks. An analysis of algal extracts and isolated metabolites is included, as well as a summary of published research for each species. For experts, the chemical structures of the most important compounds are also listed.
