With the growing popularity of Linux and the advent of Darwin, Unix has metamorphosed into something new and exciting. No longer perceived as a difficult operating system, more and more users are discovering the advantages of Unix for the first time. But whether you are a newcomer or a Unix power user, you’ll find yourself thumbing through the goldmine of information in the new edition of Unix Power Tools to add to your store of knowledge. Want to try something new? Check this book first, and you’re sure to find a tip or trick that will prevent you from learning things the hard way.
The latest edition of this best-selling favorite is loaded with advice about almost every aspect of Unix, covering all the new technologies that users need to know. In addition to vital information on Linux, Darwin, and BSD, Unix Power Tools 3rd Edition now offers more coverage of bash, zsh, and other new shells, along with discussions about modern utilities and applications. Several sections focus on security and Internet access. And there is a new chapter on access to Unix from Windows, addressing the heterogeneous nature of systems today. You’ll also find expanded coverage of software installation and packaging, as well as basic information on Perl and Python.
Unix Power Tools 3rd Edition is a browser’s book…like a magazine that you don’t read from start to finish, but leaf through repeatedly until you realize that you’ve read it all. Bursting with cross-references, interesting sidebars explore syntax or point out other directions for exploration, including relevant technical details that might not be immediately apparent. The book includes articles abstracted from other O’Reilly books, new information that highlights program tricks and gotchas, tips posted to the Net over the years, and other accumulated wisdom.
Affectionately referred to by readers as “the” Unix book, UNIX Power Tools provides access to information every Unix user is going to need to know. It will help you think creatively about UNIX, and will help you get to the point where you can analyze your own problems. Your own solutions won’t be far behind.
Table of Contents
How to Use This Book
Part I. Basic Unix Environment
1. Introduction
1.1 What’s Special About Unix?
1.2 Power Grows on You
1.3 The Core of Unix
1.4 Communication with Unix
1.5 Programs Are Designed to Work Together
1.6 There Are Many Shells
1.7 Which Shell Am I Running?
1.8 Anyone Can Program the Shell
1.9 Internal and External Commands
1.10 The Kernel and Daemons
1.11 Filenames
1.12 Filename Extensions
1.13 Wildcards
1.14 The Tree Structure of the Filesystem
1.15 Your Home Directory
1.16 Making Pathnames
1.17 File Access Permissions
1.18 The Superuser (Root)
1.19 When Is a File Not a File?
1.20 Scripting
1.21 Unix Networking and Communications
1.22 The X Window System
2. Getting Help
Part II. Customizing Your Environment
3. Setting Up Your Unix Shell
4. Interacting with Your Environment
5. Getting the Most out of Terminals, xterm, and X Windows
6. Your X Environment
Part III. Working with Files and Directories
7. Directory Organization
8. Directories and Files
9. Finding Files with find
10. Linking, Renaming, and Copying Files
11. Comparing Files
12. Showing What’s in a File
13. Searching Through Files
14. Removing Files
15. Optimizing Disk Space
Part IV. Basic Editing
16. Spell Checking, Word Counting, and Textual Analysis
17. vi Tips and Tricks
18. Creating Custom Commands in vi
19. GNU Emacs
20. Batch Editing
21. You Can’t Quite Call This Editing
22. Sorting
Part V. Processes and the Kernel
23. Job Control
24. Starting, Stopping, and Killing Processes
51. SSH
51.1 Enabling Remote Access on Mac OS X
51.2 Protecting Access Through SSH
51.3 Free SSH with OpenSSH
51.4 SSH Problems and Solutions
51.5 General and Authentication Problems
51.6 Key and Agent Problems
51.7 Server and Client Problems
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